Blocking air leakages and harmful emissions
Good indoor air is the lifeblood of buildings. Indoor air quality is affected by a wide range of factors, such as structural solutions, construction materials and maintenance. Airtightness and control of harmful emissions play a crucial role.

Sealing – blocking air leakages
Whether carrying out sealing in a new building or renovating an old building, choose a solution that serves all parties, from the designer to the end users. Kiilto’s sealing solutions are effective in preventing air leaks, heat loss and the release of radon into indoor air.

Encapsulation – blocking harmful emissions
Harmful emissions in indoor air, but demolition is not an option? Kiilto’s encapsulation solutions can save buildings from unnecessary demolition and manage the life cycle of a building sustainably.
Sealing or encapsulation?
When talking about making improvements to indoor air, ‘encapsulation’ and ‘sealing’ can often be confused, as both may be used on site when necessary. However, the difference between them must be taken into account to ensure that the correct construction measures are taken.
Sealing is primarily a matter of controlling airtightness – in other words, ensuring that the building’s internal air is changing properly through the intended inlets and outlets. Uncontrolled air leaks in structures can reduce indoor air quality, since they allow air to enter the building from the wrong places, impurely. Sealing can also improve energy efficiency by preventing heat leaks as well as air leaks.
Encapsulation is a solution that can be applied when structures release identified harmful emissions into indoor air, such as volatile organic compounds (VOC) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). It involves trapping harmful substances into structures to prevent their emissions from escaping into the indoor air. Encapsulation is also used to control moisture resulting from capillary action and diffusion.
Indoor air trainings

Hey industry professional, welcome to our trainings!
What are the usual causes of air leaks? What sealing solutions are available? Does a leaky structure usually lead to indoor air problems? Our trainings provide answers to these challenging questions and many more.