Solutions / Industrial adhesives /

Parquet Industry

High-quality parquet flooring is a key factor in making a pleasant indoor environment. The adhesive used for parquet manufacturing can have an effect on the indoor air quality and the stability of the shape of the parquet, among other things.

More and more attention is being paid to indoor air quality in buildings. The M1-approved adhesive for parquet manufacturing is a key factor in measuring the overall emissions of the final product. Modern parquet manufacturing is a highly automated and efficient production process. The adhesive chosen must contribute to keeping pace with productivity developments.

Examples of our adhesive solutions

Adhesives for parquet manufacturing

Our range of adhesives includes the optimal products for high-frequency pressing, hot-pressing and cold-pressing technologies.

From our customers

Customer stories

Kiilto and Diamett Flooring: Well-bonded HDF hardboard and veneer flooring

Our product brands


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