Sawblade coolant Easycool Futura

High quality cutting fluid has a direct effect on blade life and sawing surface. Its main function is the cooling of the saw blade, lubrication and protection against corrosion.

Blade fluids improve the cutting effect

High quality cutting fluid has a direct effect on blade life and sawing surface. Its main function is the cooling of the saw blade, lubrication and protection against corrosion. In addition, good durability and non-foaming are important properties.​

​One advantage is that good blade liquid prevents the resin from sticking. It also improves occupational safety and expands the potential for sawdust utilization. ​

​Significant quantities of cutting fluids are used by the sawmill industry and are therefore of great environmental importance.​

Precise sawing naturally with Kiilto’s new Easycool Futura –sawblade coolant

Easycool Futura lubricants are vegetable oil esters instead of mineral oil-based lubricants.​ The emulsifiers used in the products are now plant-based compounds such as rapeseed oil and tall oil derivatives.​​ The products contain polymer-based antifoaming agents instead of silicone anti-foaming agents. Easycool Futura is an environmentally-friendly option and also safe for the user. Ester based lubricants have better adhesion to the surface and are less volatile than traditional mineral oil based lubricants.​

The benefits of Kiilto Pro Easycool Futura lubricant:​

  • Part of fossil-free production​
  • Safe for users and the environment​
  • Best lubrication and cooling properties
  • Best sawing surface
  • Longer lifetime for blades​
  • Fewer compounds evaporate into the air
  • Less consumption of concentrate

Experiences with biodegradable cutting fluids


Kiilto launches new environmentally-friendlier cutting fluids
