Probiotic cleaning

With the help of probiotic cleaning agents, a dual effect is achieved: the dirt-removing ingredients of the product work immediately and the probiotics remain to do the cleaning work in the longer term.

Our environment is full of life invisible to human eyes – different microbes are almost everywhere. We aim to reduce harmful microbes by cleaning surfaces. Beneficial microbes, such as probiotics in Kiilto Pro products, contribute to maintaining healthy conditions. This is how they also function as part of cleaning agents. Microbe containing cleaning solutions take advantage of the ability of living microbes to produce enzymes which break down dirt, and utilize the outcome in their metabolism.

Learn how probiotic cleaning agents work

Probiotic Kiilto Pro cleaning products contain spores of non-harmful bacteria that is naturally found in our environment. The spores remain on the surface long after the cleaning and stay viable and able to activate in the presence of soils, providing long term cleaning benefits.

A different perspective on daily cleaning

With a probiotic general-purpose cleaner, it is possible to achieve new benefits on nearly all surfaces currently cleaned with traditional general-purpose cleaners. Probiotic cleaning agents work especially well in public spaces, where the regular use of probiotic cleaning agents can transform the microbial population growing on surfaces into a stable microbiota, that is safe for health and the environment, taking space from pathogens. Schools, kindergartens, break rooms, hotels, customer premises, gas stations, public toilets, nursing homes and hospitals are perfect locations for utilizing the power of probiotics. The probiotic cleaning method is not suitable for food preparation areas.

1. The probiotic microbes produce a variety of different enzymes.
2. These enzymes then break down organic dirt on the surfaces.
3. The broken-down dirt molecules became smaller and are easier to clean in the next cleaning of the surface.
4. In addition, the enzymatic process breaking down the dirt enhances the probiotics’ ability to consume the dirt molecules.

Benefits of probiotic cleaning

Probiotic cleaning distinguishes itself from conventional detergents by not only cleansing surfaces but also introducing beneficial microbes to the surfaces. These microbes persist on the treated surfaces, actively consuming dirt and odours even between cleaning sessions. Through their natural enzymatic processes, these probiotics break down dirt into smaller particles, enhancing their efficacy in subsequent cleaning efforts.

The long-lasting success of probiotic cleaning is due to the growth of helpful microbes on surfaces, gradually replacing harmful ones, including pathogens. The displacement of harmful microbes is essential for mitigating the spread of diseases. Furthermore, the enzymatic breakdown of dirt by probiotics not only aids in its efficient removal during cleaning but also fosters a healthier living or working space by reducing the prevalence of harmful microbes (pathogens).

Healthier premises

Regular utilization of probiotic cleaning agents result in safer surfaces with probiotic microbes taking space from harmful micro-organisms, such as pathogens.

Biofilm removal

The probiotic bacteria consume organic dirt, weakening the existing biofilms and preventing the formation of new ones. This helps with odour removal as well. Also, the end-products do not cause any odours.

Nordic Swan Ecolabel

The Ecolabel sets strict criteria for probiotic cleaning agents: products containing micro-organisms shall display superior cleaning performance beyond the general cleaning requirements.

Probiotic cleaning agents offer a long-lasting improved level of cleanliness and hygiene. The method not only removes dirt and harmful microbes, but also reduces the living space of harmful microbes. Probiotics remain effective for a long time between cleanings.

Probiotic products can be used just like their non-probiotic counterparts normally. Refer to each products’ use instructions for guidance. Probiotic Kiilto Pro products are safe for the user and surfaces cleaned.

What are probiotics?

Our environment, whether it’s the nature or surfaces at our facilities, is full of microbes or micro-organisms that are invisible to the naked eye. These micro-organisms include bacteria, viruses and fungi. Microbes are very adaptive and they have modest needs for nutrients.

Probiotics are living microbes that are harmless to humans and to the environment. Usually, probiotic cleaning products contain the spores of Bacillus – genus because it is naturally occurring. Similar probiotic microbes have been widely utilized for decades in food industry, production of feedstock, alternative medical care, and production medicinal substances and industrial enzymes.

Kiilto Pro Universal Probio & Nordic Swan Ecolabel

The newest addition to probiotic Kiilto Pro products, Kiilto Pro Universal Probio, is one of the first professional probiotic cleaning agents on the market, which is also certified with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel.

Kiilto aims for environmental leadership with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel

The criteria for the label states that products containing microorganisms shall display superior cleaning performance beyond the general cleaning requirements. In addition, it also requires probiotic micro-organisms in the cleaning agent to be proven to be safe, naturally occuring and GMO-free. Micro-organisms shall not be resistant to antibiotics either. Lastly, the Nordic Swan Ecolabel signifies the substances contained in the product having as little impact on the environment as possible and the product being safe for users.

The strict criteria for the Ecolabel also place two limitations for a probiotic cleaning agent: the products are not intended for surfaces in contact with food nor for spray application.

Kiilto Pro Universal Probio adheres to the criteria and has been certified not only with the Nordic Swan Ecolabel, but also the Allergy label granted by the Finnish Allergy, Skin and Asthma Federation. This label is an indication for the product not ordinarily causing skin irritation or sensitization, or triggering fragrance sensitivity symptoms, allergies, or asthma reactions. While products use natural materials and are safe, it’s wise to follow instructions and use proper protective gear.

Growing probiotic product portfolio

Our RDI continuously develops and tests new product formulas containing probiotics. The current probiotic portfolio includes products for daily cleaning of various spaces, probiotic odor removal and a grease dispersing agent in professional kitchens. Kiilto Pro probiotic products are identified by the commercial name containing an indication about the probiotics.

Probiotic cleaning in short

  • Long-lasting, improved cleanliness and hygiene levels
  • Strengthening the cleaning efficiency
  • Healthier premises for the user
  • Replacing harmful microbes by reducing their living space
  • Probiotics produce enzymes which break down organic dirt (protein, starch, fat and/or vegetable oil)
  • Removing biofilm and grime
  • Works as odour control product
  • Safe for surfaces and users
  • The probiotics and the enzymes they produce are 100 % organic and natural

Additional information about probiotic cleaning

Do you want to inquire more about probiotic cleaning agents or are you wondering if probiotic cleaning is a suitable solution for your needs? Send us a message, and our experts will get back to you!

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