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HygiNet® - A digital hygiene plan whenever you need it

Kiilto has developed the HygiNet® service for the creation and maintenance of digital hygiene plans. HygiNet® is a clear, intuitive tool designed to help you fulfil your statutory obligations easily and find hygiene planning information quickly from a single location. Why waste time filling in a printed hygiene plan?

Integrate hygiene planning with your daily work

HygiNet® eases our customers’ work and makes hygiene planning a natural part of their daily routines. All statutory documents, material safety data sheets and product cards are available in printable digital format. HygiNet® also has detailed, location-specific cleaning instructions and methods: anyone from your company can check which products and tools to use in which location, and how often.

Do you have a HygiNet® ID? Log into the service here!

Fresh, modern and easy to use

The visual design of HygiNet® can be customised to fit your corporate image. Users love the service’s fresh and modern look in particular. Its best features also include intuitiveness and clarity. No training is necessary: with HygiNet®, you can start preparing your organisation’s hygiene plan right away. Buy editing rights to update your plan effortlessly, whenever needed. Use HygiNet® on a tablet, computer or mobile device, just as you prefer!

A hygiene plan as a communication and induction tool

Arkea has long been using Kiilto’s digital service for hygiene planning. The latest version makes hygiene plan updates, reporting and internal communication even easier for Arkea. Kati Mäkinen, a shift supervisor at Arkea, talks about the benefits of HygiNet®.

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Hygiene plan generates up-to-date safety data sheets

UniCafe’s restaurants and WELL cafés use a digital hygiene plan for the regular maintenance and updating of hygiene information. Development Coordinator Outi Luukkonen discusses how HygiNet® has enabled hygiene maintenance in UniCafe’s restaurants and cafés.

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Self-monitoring and cleaning standard for hospitals of the future

Statutory self-monitoring of cleanliness and hygiene, which is already routine in the food industry and commercial kitchens, will soon be introduced in healthcare. Kirsi Saukkonen, Docent of Infection Research, urges hospitals to prepare for self-monitoring.

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A hygiene plan that is never out of date

With HygiNet®, finding the right product is easy because product information is always up to date. Dosage instructions are also easy to check. The fullest version of HygiNet® includes a wide range of materials: videos, releases and articles, and a front-page search function for finding information quickly.

Compared to printed plans, a digital hygiene plan has the huge advantage of never being out of date. You can keep your hygiene plan relevant by updating the content of HygiNet® and use it to prepare induction material and working instructions for your staff. As a HygiNet® user, you won’t need to worry about whether your statutory documentation is in order – you can find it with the press of a button.

Book a demo

Do you want to know more about HygiNet®? Please give us your contact details and our experts will be in touch.
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