Kiilto KeraPro
Rapid waterproofing membrane

A microfiber-reinforced, very fast one-component waterproofing membrane for indoor wet areas that will be tiled. Can be applied by using the wet-on-wet method, which does not require drying between the waterproofing membrane layers. Sprayable. CE marking, ETA approved.

Special features

  • a very fast working method, does not require drying between coats
  • sprayable
  • for wet rooms in private and public spaces
  • coverage 0.75 l/m² = 1 kg/m²
  • drying time in roller application approx. 3 h
  • suitable for sealing air leaks (Vahanen)




Kiilto KeraPro Pikavedeneriste is a one-component, fast curing waterproofing membrane for manual and machine application prior to tiling in interior wet areas. Suitable also for wet areas in public spaces, schools and sports arenas (not for swimming pools). The substrate must be dry, free from dust and even.
All the materials that might impair the adhesion of the waterproofing membrane must be removed. Ensure that the construction and the substrate are suitable for waterproofing and tiling. Underfloor heating is laid under the waterproofing membrane.

Package Size EAN Code
5 l / 6,7 kg 6411511705058
15 l / 20,1 kg 6411511705157
Application temperature

+18–25 °C

Bond strength

≥ 0.5 MPa




Floors and walls 0.75 l/m² at the minimum = 1 kg/m²
(2 applications at the minimum)

Crack bridging ability

Category 2: 0.75 mm (coverage 1.0 kg/m²)

Curing rate

approx. 3 h (total drying time)

Density/specific weight

1.35 kg/l

Frost resistance


Layer thickness

min. 0.5 mm (dry film on walls and floors)

Package sizes

5 l, 15 l


In unopened containers, above +1 °C, for 1 year.


Concrete, masonry, cement-based levelling compound and building boards designed for wet areas.

Substrate humidity

Floors and walls plastered or levelled with Kiilto products can be waterproofed after the required drying time stated in the technical information of that specific levelling compound or plaster.

Concrete substrate < 90 % RH

Temperature resistance when dry

Max 70 °C


Synthetic SBR-rubber


Approx. 45,000 mPas

Water vapour permeability

W = 39*10ˉ¹² kg/(m²*s*Pa),
Sd = 5.1 m
(EN ISO 12572 condition C)

Instructions for use

If needed, sand and/or smooth uneven substrates with a Kiilto wall plaster that is suitable under waterproofing and tiling. Prime the dry wall surface prior to waterproofing with Kiilto Keraprimer or Kiilto PrimerOne as per instructions. Let the primer layer dry fully before applying the waterproofing membrane.

Stir KeraPro before use. Apply Kiilto KeraPro on walls in vertical corners, construction board and other substrate material joints and junctures. Press Kiilto Nurkkavahvikenauha tape to fresh waterproofing membrane and ensure that it is thoroughly wetted. Clean and prime the inlets. With pipe inlets, cut an approx. 10 x 10 cm reinforcement piece and cut a hole in the middle, approx. 4 mm smaller than the pipe's outside diameter. Press the inlet reinforcement piece to fresh waterproofing membrane and ensure that it is thoroughly wetted. You can also use pre-fabricated inlet reinforcements. It is also possible to seal inlets as well as vertical and horizontal joints with Kiilto XPU fix prior to applying Kiilto KeraPro.

Apply a thin layer of KeraPro (approx. 0.2 mm) on the entire area to be waterproofed with a roller. Apply a second, thicker coat of KeraPro (approx. 0.3 mm), so that the final coat thickness is 0.5 mm. The second layer can be applied immediately after applying the first layer. The total drying time of the film is about 3 hours. The drying time depends on layer thickness and prevailing conditions. Check that the layer is consistent. Seal any thin and/or porous spots with waterproofing membrane and allow them to dry sufficiently. The dry membrane layer must be 0.5 mm at the minimum.

Fix wall tiles with a compatible Kiilto cementitious adhesive. After the cementitious adhesive has dried, grout the tiles with Kiilto tile grout and seal vertical corners and inlets with Kiilto silicone.

If needed, sand and/or smooth uneven substrates with Kiilto floor levelling compound. Prime the dry floor surface prior to waterproofing with Kiilto Keraprimer or Kiilto PrimerOne as per instructions. Let the primer dry fully before applying the waterproofing membrane.

Stir KeraPro before use. Apply Kiilto KeraPro in horizontal corners and inlets, and press Kiilto Nurkkavahvikenauha tape to fresh waterproofing membrane and ensure that it is thoroughly wetted. For inside and outside corners you can also use pre-fabricated corner pieces. Clean and prime the inlets. Inlets and the floor/wall junction can be sealed also with Kiilto XPU fix before the application of Kiilto KeraPro. For floor drain use self-adherent Kiilto Kaivolaippa. With metal floor drains use self-adherent Kiilto Kaivolaippa or butyl tape.

Apply a thin layer of KeraPro (approx. 0.2 mm) on the entire area to be waterproofed with a roller. Apply a second, thicker coat of KeraPro (approx. 0.3 mm), so that the final coat thickness is 0.5 mm. The second layer can be applied immediately after applying the first layer. The total drying time of the film is about 3 hours. Drying time depends on layer thickness and prevailing conditions. Seal any thin and/or porous spots with the waterproofing membrane and allow them to dry sufficiently. The waterproofing membrane layer on the floor drain area must be 1.2 mm at the minimum, elsewhere on the floor 0.5 mm. Before tiling, cut open a hole for the floor drain, approx. 60 mm smaller than the drain's diameter. Finish with a compatible clamp ring.

Fix floor tiles with a compatible Kiilto cementitious adhesive. Let dry and grout the tiles with Kiilto tile grout. Seal vertical and horizontal corners as well as inlets with Kiilto silicone.

Spray at least two coats, one coat at a time. Spraying can be done in one go, no drying between layers is required. Ensure that the required membrane thickness (stated in the certificate) is reached.

Additional information

The information given in this product data sheet is based on our tests and our practical knowledge. The technical data is defined in standard conditions. Variations in local working conditions and methods will affect the product performance and result. We guarantee the high quality of our products according to our Quality Management System. No liability can be accepted from incorrect use of the product or prevailing conditions, over which we have no control. Thus, we cannot be held responsible for the final result. The correct use of the product presupposes that the user has made him/herself aware of the contents of the working instructions and procedure guide, if provided.

Environment and safety

Avoid unnecessary skin contact and exposure with fresh product, use safety gloves. Refer to material safety data sheet. For more information on product and package disposal, please visit