Kiilto brought adhesive chemistry to Heureka’s Chemistry Night

Kiilto participated in science centre Heureka's Chemistry Night event on Thursday 6 March, offering visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the production of bio-based adhesives. We organised four workshops at the event, where participants could make their own eco-friendly adhesive and take it home. The adhesives were made using a recipe from the Ecogrip adhesive that won the schoolchildren's Future Makers innovation competition (Tulevaisuuden tekijät/Tuleviku loojad). Kiilto mentored the school team whose Ecogrip glue won the competition.


The participants of the chemistry night workshops gained hands-on experience in the glue manufacturing process and at the same time learned about the importance of bio-based raw materials in the development of environmentally friendly products.

"It's great to be able to share knowledge about sustainability and inspire new generations of chemists. The Chemistry Night is a great opportunity to inspire people to explore the potential of chemistry and its role in everyday life," says Malla Järvinen, Head of Teams & Projects RDI at Kiilto.

The Chemistry Night event brought together chemistry stakeholders, companies and enthusiastic participants, offering a diverse programme and experiential learning for all ages. The workshops by Kiilto were popular, each packed with participants, children and adults alike.

Kiilto will continue its commitment to sustainable innovation and inspiring the future of chemistry with similar events in the future.

See the atmosphere of the Chemistry Night and the adhesive workshops here.

About Heureka

Heureka, the Finnish Science Centre in Vantaa Tikkurila is a lively hands-on exhibition and activity centre that offers joy of discovery in interactive exhibitions, planetarium films, science programs and events throughout the year. Heureka has an average of 300,000 visitors each year and is one of the most popular leisure destinations in Finland.